Télécharger Gravis - Dylan ou regarder en streaming Torrent magnet

Gravis - Dylan
en streaming ou téléchargement

  • Durée du film complet: 8 Mn
  • Sortie: 11 Août 2010
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Dylan Rieder

Dylan Rieder, né le 26 mai 1988 à Westminster et mort le 12 octobre 2016 à Duarte aux États-Unis, est un skateur professionnel et un mannequin américain, ayant également joué quelques rôles au cinéma.

Synopsis Gravis - Dylan

Gravis have just dropped their seven-minute masterpiece edit, Dylan, about pro skater Dylan Reider. Directed by Greg Hunt, with Jake Burton on board as executive producer, this was never going to be a short film to sleep through. Even though the stylophone [from the teaser] doesn't feature in the full edit, Dylan does play guitar, wears a white shirt while he shreds and even makes friends with a donkey! Oh, and the skating is silly beaut. Love him or hate him, it's impossible to deny that the boy's got talent..

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